Sci hub 2021 twitter


Jan 20, 2021

Imagine the world with free access to knowledge for everyone ‐ a world without any paywalls. 182,705 likes · 556 talking about this. Some were shut down while some are still in operation. Feb 24, 2021 Feb 25, 2021 science advisory board. stake holders.

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182,705 likes · 556 talking about this. Some were shut down while some are still in operation. 2016年1月時,Sci-Hub平均每天約有200,000人訪問 ,Sci-Hub則聲稱網站服務每天平均有數十萬次檔案請求。 2018年12月,俄罗斯法庭根据英国期刊出版商Springer Nature的诉讼请求,屏蔽了Sci-Hub相关的多个域名 。 2021年1月,Twitter以Sci-Hub存在盜版論文為由封鎖其帳戶 。 Feb 25, 2021 · The Sci-Hub case has as such become a referendum on profit-seeking practices in academic publishing. The academics’ statement is published below in full.

Across Twitter on Friday, open-source advocates and academics alike poured one out following the suspension of Sci-Hub, a site that lets researchers bypass the costly paywalls for more than 70

Sci hub 2021 twitter

Feb 23, 2021 · Lit Hub Daily: February 23, 2021 Lit Hub Science Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) 2 days ago · Lit Hub Daily: February 25, 2021 The Best of the Literary Internet, Every Day TODAY: In 1895, novelist, journalist, and reporter George Samuel Schuyler, best known for his satirical novel Black No More; Being An Account of the Strange and Wonderful Workings of Science in the Land of the Free , is born. Feb 21, 2021 · Horror, sci-fi and fantasy from the grossest to the family-pleasing. Take a look at everything they have planned out from May 2021 and beyond in their new solicitations.

Dec 15, 2019 · Alternatives To Sci-Hub Smashwords One of the very best free online source of books, the Libgen website is truly a a perfect heaven for book lovers who love to read books…

Sci hub 2021 twitter

Twitter Februari 18, 2021 Sci Hub Vpn - Sci Hub Bloqué - Comment y Accéder en France ? TUTO : There is a video devoted to the open access to scientific literature.. Imagine the world with free access to knowledge for everyone ‐ a world without any paywalls. 182,705 likes · 556 talking about this. Some were shut down while some are still in operation. Feb 24, 2021 Feb 25, 2021 science advisory board. stake holders.

The latest tweets from @Cote_Science Twitter bans Sci-hub: Interests of the publishing mafia more important than access to science by lorenz on Jan 13, 2021 in politics , Asia , Open Access Anthropology and Knowledge Sharing , anthropology (general) , journal articles / papers Twitter has suspended the account of Sci-Hub, a site that offers a free gateway to paywalled research. The site is accused of violating the counterfeit policy of the social media platform.

Sci hub 2021 twitter

If is up but it's not working for you, you can try one of the following tips below. Refresh your browser. Force a full refresh of your browser page by clicking Ctrl + F5 at the same time. Feb 19, 2021 · Sara Stillings, daughter of Robert and Harumi Stillings of Keene, was named to the dean’s list at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, Mass., for the fall 2020 semester. Feb 22, 2021 · She urged “leadership for the planet”, that includes trusting science, living up to global agreements, reinventing multilateralism, financing and international solidarity and protecting the poor and the vulnerable. “Leadership for the planet means making peace with nature”, Ms. Andersen spelled out.

Or trying to understand existing content, steeped in misconceptions. Students. A science-literate public. When I hobby work on OER science education content, or even when I answer a "ask a science/history/whatever question" on reddit, I use google scholar, open access. and sci-hub.

It was very obvious and visible on the Sci-Hub account, and people who wanted to support Sci-Hub had a place to do it. Sci-Hub remained reachable via alternative domains such as .io, then .cc, and .bz. Sci-Hub has also been accessible at times by directly entering the IP address, or through a .onion Tor Hidden Service. On 8 January 2021, Twitter suspended Sci-Hub's account citing "counterfeit content". United States ساي هب (بالإنجليزية: Sci-Hub) هو مستودع على الإنترنت لأكثر من 48,000,000 ورقة ومقالة أكاديمية، يتم تحديث روابط موقع ساي هب باستمرار لذلك يجب عليك زيارة موقعنا لأننا ننشر الروابط الجديدة يوميا، جرب أحد الروابط الموجوده أسفله Jan 08, 2021 · Twitter has suspended the account of Sci-Hub, a site that offers a free gateway to paywalled research. The site is accused of violating the counterfeit policy of the social media platform. Educators need sci-hub.

Or trying to understand existing content, steeped in misconceptions. Students. A science-literate public. When I hobby work on OER science education content, or even when I answer a "ask a science/history/whatever question" on reddit, I use google scholar, open access. and sci-hub. Dec 15, 2019 · Alternatives To Sci-Hub Smashwords One of the very best free online source of books, the Libgen website is truly a a perfect heaven for book lovers who love to read books… Sci-Hub is a worldwide database of academic publications, which pulls the research papers from under the paywalls of academic magazines and uploads them to the internet for everyone to download The Sci-Hub project supports Open Access movement in science. Research should be published in open access and be free to read, by anyone, anywhere, anytime… Often on the move, there are multiple access points listed below – for up to date URL check the Sci-Hub Twitter page or Facebook page.

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launched on the Hub. 1.5 million +. registered users. 25 thousand +. e-learning sessions available within 350+ programmes. Latest Tweet Follow us >.

SCI-HUBto remove the barriers in the way of science. Feb 22, 2021 · On Sci-Hub’s Twitter account, anyone could see right away that no researcher today supports what publishers do and everyone thinks that academic research should be free to access. It was very obvious and visible on the Sci-Hub account, and people who wanted to support Sci-Hub had a place to do it. Sci-Hub remained reachable via alternative domains such as .io, then .cc, and .bz. Sci-Hub has also been accessible at times by directly entering the IP address, or through a .onion Tor Hidden Service. On 8 January 2021, Twitter suspended Sci-Hub's account citing "counterfeit content".

9 Jan 2021 Tesla (@Tesla) January 2, 2021 Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 7, 2021 Sci-Hub's twitter account was playing a key role in collecting 

Jan 07, 2021 · Published online January 7, 2021. doi: 10.1038/s41588-020-00755-1. Science News was founded in 1921 as an independent, nonprofit source of accurate information on the latest news of science The life of a planetary nebula is often chaotic, from the death of its parent star to the scattering of its contents far out into space. Captured here by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, ESO Jan 06, 2021 · Alexandria Real Estate Equities plans to continue developing the former Sears complex as a hub for life science companies.

Feb 19, 2021 · Sara Stillings, daughter of Robert and Harumi Stillings of Keene, was named to the dean’s list at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, Mass., for the fall 2020 semester. Feb 22, 2021 · She urged “leadership for the planet”, that includes trusting science, living up to global agreements, reinventing multilateralism, financing and international solidarity and protecting the poor and the vulnerable. “Leadership for the planet means making peace with nature”, Ms. Andersen spelled out.